Create, build, and export Swift applications.
SwiftX uses the Swift-Lite system of meta-tags combined with a special build utility to make constructing a multi-file Swift project with Module and Library dependencies simple and easy.
For more information please visit Swift-Lite.org.
SwiftX combines both swift-lite-build
and lib-builder
into one convenient build tool.
SwiftX is designed for use on Linux Debian based systems such as Debian, Ubuntu and RaspiOS. SwiftX is compatible with Swift versions 5.1 and above and can be used with a full Swift - swiftlang
install, as well as with Swift-Lite - swiftlang-min
SwiftX is available for x86_64, arm64 and arm architectures.
Read the Quick Start Guide for installation and getting started instructions.
Sample Project File
// a swift project file
// include: today.swift
import Dispatch
import Foundation
print("Hello World")
printToday() // function from today.swift module
Sample Module File
// a swift module file
import Foundation
public func printToday(){
let date = Date()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .full
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .full
let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: date as Date)
print("Welcome to Swift")
print("Today is \(dateString)")
NOTE: modules files must be located within the swiftModules
directory. The location of the swiftModules
directory can be set using swiftx config
$ swiftx config --help
Set the swiftModule directory path.
Choose one of the following:-
1. Local:
This will look for modules within the project directory.
e.g. /myProject/swiftModules/
cmd = $ swiftx config --local
2. Default:
This will look for modules within the $HOME directory.
e.g. /$HOME/swiftModules/
cmd = $ swiftx config --default
3. Custom:
Use this option to set a custom directory.
e.g. /custom/path/swiftModules/
cmd = $ swiftx config --custom /my/custom/path/swiftModules/
swiftx config [flags]
-c, --custom string Set module path to custom
-d, --default Set module path to default
-h, --help help for config
-l, --local Set module path to local
Build a Swift Project
Build project from file helloworld.swift
$ swiftx build helloworld.swift
building swift project - helloworld
Scanning for Modules...
*** Adding today.swift to build command ***
Scanning for Libraries...
Dispatch is a standard library
Foundation is a standard library
*** no custom libraries found ***
starting swift build...
2020/09/11 12:09:55 build completed.
This will output an executable file helloworld
Create a Swift Library
Create a library from a single swift file.
$ swiftx create today.swift -p
building library - Today
starting build...
2020/09/11 12:17:33 build completed.
Enter details for install package...
package name:
version number:
libToday_1.0.0.deb install package created.
Install: sudo apt install ./libToday_1.0.0.deb
This will output an installable package file libToday_1.0.0.deb
Export a Project with Swift-Slim runtime
$ swiftx export
export Swift install package.
enter app name:
version number:
helloworld_1.0.0.deb install package created.
Install: sudo apt install ./helloworld_1.0.0.deb
This will output a self contained installable package file that includes the program executable and the swift-slim
runtime. helloworld_1.0.0.deb
$ swiftx --help
A Swift build tool:
SwiftX allows you to quickly and easily create Swift applications.
Support for custom modules and libraries.
Export self contained packages that include the Swift runtime
swiftx [flags]
swiftx [command]
Available Commands:
build Build a Swift project
config Set the swiftModule directory path.
create Create a Swift library
export Export self contained install package with Swift runtime
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for swiftx
-v, --version Prints the swiftx version number
Use "swiftx [command] --help" for more information about a command.